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The Will of our Will to be God's Will

Writer: Tyler M. McKinneyTyler M. McKinney

Updated: Jun 6, 2022

How bad do we not want to hear the words, “This is going to cost you ___________”? but what if the cost is worth what you receive in return?

I write this entry because of an overwhelming trend of “faith” that costs us nothing and is justified to give us everything we want. The trend encourages us to see God’s work in our life only through His providing of material wealth. Why is this trend so strong? Because just like you, I want it. Materialism is prevalent and it is intoxicating. It is immediate and it scratches and itch.

If I become poor, certainly that couldn’t be God’s will, right? If I have to give sacrificially, so that it costs me my entertainment and comfort, God certainly wouldn’t do that would he? We as modern Christians are more tempted by keeping up with our neighbors than we are following Jesus.

When did more money automatically mean it must be God’s will?

What if accepting that job offer or pursuing that business venture destroys your family?

What if taking on debt to finance a lifestyle you can’t afford pushes God out of your life?

What if God cares more about your neighbors soul than he does your new front porch?

What if fulfilling your wants doesn’t fulfill your need? What if you can be happy apart from materialism?

Jesus said, “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field”.

I simply want to encourage you remember the value of what you have found in Christ? Why? Because Jesus has given you grace for eternity and grace to joyfully walk with him daily, and he loves you. Your job doesn’t love you. Your money doesn’t love you. Your things don’t love you. Jesus loves you and a faithful walk with Him is fulfilling in a breadth and depth that a new car or success at work will never be.

When I look at people who really seem to follow God, I see a long-term faithfulness in the right direction. They are not sinlessly perfect, but the core of who they are is centered around loving God with everything within them and they are content.

Paul encourages Timothy, “Now there is great gain with Godliness and contentment. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it”. 1 Tim 6:6-7

A faithful disciple needs to make decision upon decision to protect that core principle of loving God so that they can maintain or initiate a pattern and environment for God to create “life to the full” (John 10:10).

Ultimately, through Jesus, you are set free not only from sin but from the unquenchable desire that is materialism. You are not free from responsibility of the future, but you also are not living for the future either.

“Come and follow me” Jesus says. But we say, “Come and bless me”. Have we really fooled ourselves into thinking that God is in every choice we make, regardless of whether we have listened for His voice and been walking with Him?

Jesus calls us to consider this bluntly, “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul”? Your worth exceeded the cost of the cross. What is Jesus worth to you? How can you be like the man who found a hidden treasure? How can you recapture the joy by finding the real worth of Jesus?



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