Lead Pastor
Tyler McKinney
Tyler McKinney grew up in Pasadena, Texas where his parents ran a street ministry called "Youth on the Rock." At the beginning of high school, his family moved to Pearland, where he graduated in 2006. During that time, Tyler began to experience God's calling into ministry under former Shadycrest Youth Pastor Client Gray. ​

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Tyler attended East Texas Baptist University where he majored in History and minored in Christianity. The Lord continued to pursue Tyler in an undeniable way after college as he sought a teaching career. He knew, however, that nothing short of total surrender to the call of ministry would satisfy what the Lord had anchored in his heart. Tyler became a licensed minister in 2011 at Shadycrest Baptist Church.
In 2012, Tyler married his high school sweethart, Lindsay (Netherland). They have four boys: Cooper, Case, Corban, and Caleb.
Tyler began to volunteer as Youth Pastor at Shadycrest, and a year after that, he was asked to take on the title of Interim Youth Pastor. At the time, he was a teacher in the Pasadena Independent School District. He is excited to have the opportunity to serve Shadycrest as the Lead Pastor. Tyler believes that the vision that God has given them is divinely appointed and aligned. He is extremely eager to help equip the people of Shadycrest to do what God has called them to do in their lives and to help fulfill the great commission.
Tyler received his Master's degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in May of 2020.​

Missions Pastor
Donald R. Hintze
Donald Hintze began serving Shadycrest in January 2018, following his retirement as Director of Missions for the Gulf Coast Baptist Association. ​
Donald graduated from Louisiana State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology. Following his studies as LSU, he want on to receive a Masters of Divinity degree from the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary in 1977.
His early ministry career included service at the following churches:
Pastor at Reddell Baptist Mission - Reddell, LA
Pastor at Oak Grove Baptist Church - Oak Grave, LA
Director of Youth & Education at McLaurin Heights Baptist Church - Pearl, MS
Pastor at Temple Baptist Church - Clute, TX
Donald and his wife Debbie reside in Clute, Texas. They have two sons: Phillip, his wife Jenny and their children, Jackson, Micah, Brittany, and Katie; and Josh, his wife Ashley and their children, Brady and Oliver.

Discipleship Pastor
Bill Himmel
Bill Himmel holds a Bachelor of Science Degree from Philadelphia College of Bible, and a Master of Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary. He has served in pastoral positions for nearly 40 years in independent and Baptist churches as a lead pastor, and associate pastor specializing in evangelism and disciple-making, recovery and restoration ministries, and has also worked with parachurch ministries nationally and internationally as an instructor, board member and board chairman, and a leadership development consultant. He has taught and coached pastors in disciple-making, relational discipleship, evangelism, and leadership development both nationally and internationally with the Training Network for Disciple Making Churches (T-Net), the Relational Discipleship Network (RDN), and the Center for Church Effectiveness. He has also coached and counseled regional missions leadership and church planting teams. ​
Bill and his wife Sue have lived in Texas since 1979, but were born and raised in Philadelphia, PA. They have been married 44 years (as of 2022), and have four adult children, two sons and two daughters, and 13 grandchildren. Bill's hobbies are carpentry and cabinet making, hunting and fishing, and learning how to help fix things and relationships that are not working as they were designed to do.

Youth Pastor
David Martin
David previously served as youth minister of Uvalde Baptist Church and has been in ministry since 2016. David was raised in a Christian home and is still close to his family. He is a teacher at Pearland Junior High South, and is currently pursuing his master's degree in youth ministry.

Worship Leader
Joe Glass
Joe Glass has been leading worship in local churches since he was 18 years old. Combining garage band experience with a classical music education, he strives to create the best worship experiences to accompany the pastor's sermon, including traditional hymns, the latest contemporary songs, and presenting Scripture in a meaningful way. Joe loves working with a choir and small vocal ensembles, rehearsing praise bands and instrumental groups, and offering up the highest praise to our Lord and Savior.
Joe holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from Baylor University, a Master of Music from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and is a published composer, writer of music ministry articles, and worship clinician. He plays piano, rhythm guitar, bass guitar, and some percussion, and has served churches in Texas and Florida in full-time, and lay capacities. He also currently works full-time in the space industry.
Joe has been married to his wife Kellie since 1989, they raised two fine young men, and are now enjoying life with their grandkids.

Children's Ministry Director
Jaime Cole

Nursery Director
Chrystal Thompson

Janet Kelly

Financial Secretary
Laura Torres

Myles Garrison