What we do

Volunteer & Serve
Each of us is called to participate in the outreaching ministry of Jesus Christ by doing good of every possible sort, and, as far as possible, to all people. Putting our faith into action is at the very heart of our Christian calling. By volunteering to serve through local programs every person in the church has the opportunity to serve and to live their calling more faithfully.

Volunteer & Serve
Every year the Mission's Team of Shadycrest Baptist Church plans several Mission Opportunities. Recently the church sent a Team to Bulgaria. The team that went had an incredible time building relationships and sharing Jesus Christ during their trip. The Mission's Team is now raising funds to make a return trip to Bulgaria as well as money to help the Bulgarian Church purchase a van. If you would like more information about Bulgaria and other Mission efforts please call the church office or send an email to Janet Kelly at jkelly@shadycrest.org for more information.
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